söndag 12 oktober 2008


För ett par dagar sedan så blev Wang Hao gripen av polisen.

Han hade varit kraftigt berusad och på kissat på en parkeringsplats och då blivit påkommen med detta av en säkerhetsvakt. Det följde en diskussion och det blev lite bråk där Wang Hao skrek:

"Jag är den store Wang Hao, hur vågar du röra mig"?

Polisen grep Wang Hao och släppte honom efter ha tagit hans uttalande på plats.

Iförrgår så spelade Wang Hao i kinesiska superligan och förlorade.

Repressalier från klubb och förbund kommer säkert.

13 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

"Polisen grep Wang Hao och släppte honom efter ha tagit hans uttalande på plats."

Max, kan du ta detta på begriplig svenska också. Det framgår att polisen släppte honom. Men vad menar du sen?


Anonym sa...

hur kommer man till den kinesiska ligans sida?

max sa...

Hmm.. jag gjorde en direktöversättning så det blev kanske otydligt.

Han blev tagen till polisstationen och där tog de hans uttalande och släppte honom efter det.

Så menade jag.

Anonym sa...


Vad då tog "hans uttalande"?!

Du menar att polisen skrev en rapport och att polisen däri refererade eller kanske till och med citerade det lilla kinesiska kräket?

Anonym sa...

Kan/Orkar du länka den informationen?

max sa...

Du fattar vad jag menar och om du inte gör det så orkar jag inte förklara mer.

max sa...

Jag läste om det på ett pingisforum.

Här är länken till artikeln som jag sedan har fått översatt åt mig av en kines.

Sedan har jag klistrat in texten i babelfish.yahoo.com och fått en översättning som stämmer överens (med god vilja) med den översättning som är gjord på forumet.


max sa...

Newspaper Reporter Zou Ye   Wang Hao on 9th late at night after Beijing Xizhimen parking lot liquor caused trouble, wants the facing the street urination not to say anywhere, but also with went forward the security which advised against to have the dispute, and said talked that “I was the world champion, how hit you to be able.”According to eyewitness said that Wang Hao is drunk heavily, 15 minutes later police who receives the warning are brought to leave the scene. After becoming sober Wang Hao to withstand the very tremendous pressure, yesterday one to moved all day the hand turning point secretary Taiwan.   Eyewitness: Wang Hao links tramples four feet   Mr. Liu is Xizhimen ascends the building parking lot manager, on 9th about 11:00 pm, Mr. Liu is being on duty, saw suddenly the building security and a man has the dispute. At that time, this man came out from the building north side's revolving door, arrived at the gate, to afforest the flower-bed before directly, untied the pants to want to urinate, the security went forward to stop, afterward two people have had the dispute. Mr. Liu and other 45 securities sees that goes forward to console hastily, eyewitness said that overtakes in them in process, this man already Lian Chuai security four feet. And they heard this man to shout loudly clearly: “I am renowned Wang Hao, I am the world champion, how hits you to be able.”   “when speech the mouthful liquor was mad that probably falls into the wine to be the same.”Mr. Liu afterward during the interview, said him, because usually frequently watches the table tennis match, particularly Beijing Olympic Games' table tennis match, therefore at that time had recognized causing trouble was Wang Hao. According to Mr. Liu recalls, the building has dialed afterward 110, about 15 minutes later, police receive the warning to rush to the scene, understood after the situation, leaves the male innertube.   Receives the warning Beijing Gansu Family members Local police station polices indicated yesterday that Wang Hao apologized in that night to the being concerned security, both sides reconciled basically, agree to settle a matter privately. As the Olympic Games champion, Wang Hao hit the person event consequence in the alcoholic intoxication to receive the huge pressure. Yesterday, Wang Hao's handset was not the close-down, was transfers to moves secretary Taiwan.   Bayi: The team will make the punishment   Wang Hao childhood name “happy”, because the neighbor child blubbers, Wang Hao actually sees everybody to be happy, who hugs happily. Aunt Wang Hao's and paternal grandmother dresses up since childhood him the girl, grips the vulnerable point, the knot butterfly knot to him, to wipe the lipstick, to put on the floret skirt and the red leather shoes. Has a period of time, Wang Hao can have the sex dislocation feeling. But since Wang Hao has given person's impression has been “the little darling”. After Olympic Games, Wang Hao's parents have lived in Beijing, now the son had such matter, the old couple is really happily is startled.   The parents could not think, is constantly together the training is very surprised. Because just when the pingpong ultra season, after the national sports team leads a group at present Huang Biao, Head Coach Liu Guoliang heard this matter, yesterday greatly to be startled, expressed that has not contacted with Wang Hao.   But yesterday, Bayi Head Coach Wang Tao said that before dawn already probably had understood the matter process, and hoped the media can downplay processing, reduce big problems into little problems. “because just fired off the second round the league tournament, the team in yesterday rest adjustment, Wang Hao evening was possible and the friend has been drinking a liquor together, but has not looked like the media to describe hits the human to be so serious, both sides somewhat were at that time excited, afterward two people also achieved forgiveness.”Wang Tao also specially hurried back Beijing from the outside areas to process this matter yesterday, “Wang Hao also regretted afterward, he had already carried on the apology to the litigant, and apologized to the fan, hoped that everybody could support him as always.”   Afterward, Wang Tao's handset also transfers to “the whole world shouts”. But may affirm that Bayi recently will announce to Wang Hao the punishment decision. The national sports team indicated that Wang Hao returned the club, hoped various clubs in league tournament period strengthens to national champion's management, and will respect the club the punishment.

max sa...


Anonym sa...

Verkar som AA sätter dig i arbete?

Eftersom vi ändå är inom skvaller kommer detta inte som nån överraskning dock, men i Karlstad under helgen skall det både "ha Limmats & boostrats"...av ljuden att döma..

Är det inte nolltolerans nu?

Anonym sa...

vad är arne anka för fjant?

max sa...

Här är en engelsk version:


Anonym sa...

Och en svensk...

